Announcing new ambassadors

As some of you may know, we had a call for athletes that where interested in supporting Wunjo Sports as ambassadors earlier in May. We got lots of requests and are now excited to be able to announce 5 new ambassadors!

Halvard Bjerke (@instahalvis) , Norway

Erik Dinsmore (@teachertrailrunner), USA

Paul Vignes (@vignesp65), France

Carl Beatty (@cfluffyrun), USA

Ralf Hotz (@hotzi235), Germany

Our new ambassadors have a varied and diverse background and focus as athletes, but common for all of them is passion. This we admire at Wunjo, and we very much look forward to be working with them going forward.

We are still working to get a few more on board, and hope to be announcing more shortly.

We will also be presenting each one in a separate article in the coming weeks, so stay tuned to get to know our new team-mates more soon.

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